Dom KolvitzKolvitzCreative, LLC

Passionate Internet Marketer and World Class Copywriter. Let's Join Forces and Conquer The World!

From the Desk of Dom

Written on July 17th, 2023

Weather you are interested or already seasoned in online marketing, e-marketing, or web marketing (yes - they're all the same thing), there is a lot to be confused about in the field.

Even our line of work itself can be described in so many (see above) ways, to only contribute to the confusion among the masses.

Being a dad of 5 I passionately developed useful skill of explaining things in a way, that EVERY kid will get it.

At the end of the day - if you can't explain something to a kid, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Being accomplished online marketing warrior I want to help others by bringing more clarity, guidance and mentorship.

I am incredibly fortunate to call myself a disciple of those, who created nowadays marketing a thing - from scratch, through thorns and pains, achieving multimillion dollar success. 

If you want to grow, let's talk and see how I can be of help.



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